This was written by one of our closest friends, Genessa. She helped to set up the CaringBridge site for us to update when we had so many wonderful people worried about us. This was ground zero. 

Feb 14, 2016 2:38pm (Genessa Dopf)

Sara and Scott are filled with extreme gratitude for all the love, support and kind words that everyone is showing. During this difficult time we ask that you refer to the Caring Bridge site for updates and information. In such an overwhelming time, it’s hard for Sara and Scott to check text messages.  Sara and Scott will be able to post on this site at their convenience.  There is a section on the site that offers an opportunity to ask questions and we will do our best to address those questions.

On Thursday Feb. 11, Sara and Scott noticed some unusual bruising on Maya . Lincoln had a Dr. appointment with their pediatrician on Friday Feb. 12 in the morning, so they decided to piggy back on Lincoln’s appointment and have Maya checked out.  The Dr. recommended that they take Maya to Carson Tahoe Hospital to do lab work.  The results came back within a few hours with the shocking news that Maya had leukemia. They rushed to Oakland Children’s Hospital immediately and Maya was admitted late that evening. The initial diagnosis was confirmed; Maya had leukemia cells in her blood.  She received a blood transfusion and platelets that night. Her liver and spleen were enlarged (typical for leukemia) and her cells can turn on her and throw her into organ failure.  Maya is receiving IV antibiotic and fluids which will keep the organ failure at bay.  She is under close surveillance, having multiple blood samples taken per day.The masks make her feel better... Like all the docs and nurses.

We received a text from Sara on Feb. 14 stating, “This sucks. It is very scary and sad. I pretty much feel like I am floating in space and the world is whizzing by. I am so grateful my parents are here and Scott is so strong. Lincoln isn’t allowed up to see Maya and I get torn in to 2 pieces each time I have to leave one or the other. It just happened so fast and we left in a panic on Friday. Still feels like a dream. She 100% has leukemia- found it in her blood. Waiting for a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning to determine the type. Then a central line placed Tuesday.  I am scared and sad for her to be put under 2 days, but it all has to happen quickly to get treatment going. Monitoring her organs. Enlarged liver and spleen and lots of fevers. But all in all she is so much better after blood and platelets.   White blood cells came down from 28k to 13k- probably fluids. HGB (Hemoglobin) was 6.3 and plates at 6 too…. Not sure what it is at after transfusion.  She really is doing better. Scared but adapting.  Thank you so much for the support!”

Maya makes up fun games and stories to keep her wild imagination engaged. Watching Bart trains, helicopters & downtown. Eating well and learning to take needles like a champ!We have set up a Go Fund Me account, any and all contributions will be greatly appreciated. The link for that is:

Thank you for all your love and support.