May 8, 2016 3:14pm (Sara)

We just returned home from Renown. Maya was discharged this afternoon once all the paper work was complete and she was de-accessed. It was becoming increasingly difficult keeping the Dragon with in the walls of the hospital room. It quickly became impossible. Scott and I are SO thankful for the wonderful and patient staff at Renown’s Pediatric unit. They were all very caring and while their specialty is not oncology…we certainly felt their compassion and capacity. After the required 48 hours that Maya’s blood cultures needed to incubate, we were released with negative cultures, afebrile (without a fever) for 36 hours, and her ANC was over 200.

Maya’s ANC got well above 500 yesterday but it was depleted again to day – because she did not have a fever and her blood is negative of any bacteria, we just got home.
Maya is now making scones with Grandma Bella (this was planned for this mornings breakfast before Maya was admitted) and we are planning to make homemade pasta tonight. While it certainly wasn’t the most comfortable and calm Mother’s Day weekend…and this Moma missed the Derby (boo!)…it was strong. Maya is strong. Maya continues to hold this mass amount of strength and perseverance. We will have to take precautions until her ANC is back to 750-1000 but we are hoping that can happen again soon.
Motherly Assessment:
WBC: 2.1
Hgb: 10.5
Platelets: 300
ANC: 240
Maya’s appetite is a wee bit concerning but we are hope to entice her with more home cooked and familiar foods. We are happy to find out that there is no bacterial infection and that the fever was just viral. Needless to say…Maya was admitted to the hospital for….the sniffles. Ugh. The new normal.

Motherhood is incredible. Our babies are miraculous. Our Mothers are fierce. Motherhood has proven to be more challenging than I ever expected yet it continues to surprise me with the amazement. Even with the anxiety, fear, pain, sadness, challenges, uncertainty, unknown…the amazement, laughter, strength, hope, growth, happiness, journeys, and Love are more than worth it.

The Dragon awakens. She has healed her nicked wing and she grows stronger than ever before. She was revitalized with this last weekend and has recruited more warriors of Love. With every RN, CNA, housekeeper, Doctor, Resident, and food service worker she has gained more prayers and strength. She is loved. We are loved. She has taken flight again and will be soaring in the skies…keep your eyes open for her.