Feb 21, 2016 (Sara)
I want to give a GIGANTIC shout out to all our friends and family who are helping us move this weekend. It was really difficult for us to accept the help for such a time consuming and challenging task but we realized that we cannot bring our child back to a place that isn’t ready for her. She will be the most fragile she has ever been, even more delicate than when she was 2 days old. We are in utter amazement at our friends and family and I truly don’t know what we would do without you. I get the chills and my eyes swell up when I think about how much we are loved. It truly is unimaginable to think, not only do I know these kind of people…but these people are my people. My family. My love. And my Life. If everyone on Earth felt this kind of Love even for a moment…we would all be at Peace. I wish we were saying “Cheers” in my new kitchen. Megs and Gen LYLASF.