Jul 27, 2016 5:34am (Scott)

It’s about 330am, and we’re loading up for the trip to Oakland.

Maya’s numbers were thankfully very strong on Monday (WBC @ 3.1, HGB @ 9.8, PTL @ 285, ANC 1240), so we will boldly head back to the bay for the second half of DI.

The uncertainty of the past few weeks was tough – nothing like what we faced in February or March, but enough to get heart rates up. This new forward momentum is encouraging though, and we’re energized (even at the wee hours).

We’ll try to keep everyone updated more often during our (hopefully) short stay in Oakland. We plan to return home Thursday evening. Special thanks to the Bapas, Aunties, and Uncles for watching Lincoln and the house.

Thank you everyone for the support, care, and love.